What is PO Box 3469?

William Welna
4 min readJan 29, 2022

The first version of this article was posted on December 14th, 2017. I am reposting my old debunking articles on Louise Mensch with a few edits to make my french more polite but overall the content with be the same. This one is particularly egregious as there’s been no evidence of any claims to this day proving any assertions put forth.


As with previous posts including “research”, this one by patribotics, penned by Laurelai, is no different in exploiting presented information to create conspiracy theories, counting on the lack of understanding the average layman has. The goal of this post is to give you a rough primer in how corporations work, how they’re registered, and what does the information on a corporate filing really mean for informational value.

How to Register a Corp 101 (What is a Registered Agent?)

An individual, provided they follow the local laws and regulations concerning incorporation, can file the paperwork with the required fees to incorporate. If multiple countries are involved, often you need to file a foreign entity registration similar to a Corporation filling. This is often tedious work for many people unfamiliar with the process, or want to hide identities of people involved in the Corporation from casual investigations. You can pay a person specializing in filling this paperwork for you, and has all the legal templates at the ready for your usage. They do the fillings on behalf of corporations and often serve as the Registered Agent for a nominal fee. Some have daily reminders and file updates per following normal local laws and regulations for you. The BVI is a very common place to incorporate due to the high level of privacy and lack of taxes.

What does PO Box 3469 actually mean?

It’s an address a Registration Agent Service in BVI uses. You can easily find hundreds of Corporations using the same address. The cold hard reality is straight forward, it doesn’t have any correlation value. If this was a honest post, there would just be a note that they use the same Registration Agent, not calling it “sloppy opsec”, turning this into some kind of hidden revelation that means something more than it does. This is the same over-the-top presentation we saw in the Wikileaks DNS explanation, where a common method of distributing high volumes of user traffic and redundancy against server issues, is turned into super squirrel secret nonsense.

Modeling Agencies

In this article, patribotics makes the false claim that a modeling agency has to be part of a sex trafficking ring because insider source reasons, also Trump. There is a lot of flawed logic here, and anyone that has seen a flier, shopped online, or seen a commercial for the latest cool kids toy has seen one of these “underage girls”. What a Modeling Agency does is makes a portfolio of pictures, and markets the model out, acting as the agent, to get jobs modeling products. There really isn’t anything malicious in this or sexually deviant, and I’d say most of this is a result of Laurelai’s deviant imagination on overdrive.

This does not mean there is no possibility later on there may be victims linked to Trump Models, but the information presented is not very convincing of this at all. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and if you claim enough broad sweeping accusations, a few are bound to hit a mark. This seems to be the Louise Mensch formula of “Research” and “Journalism”.

This was written in 2017, I am not aware of any evidence at the republication of this in 2022 that proves any assertions put forth.

Argumentum ad Verecundiam

A common theme in a lot of patribotic articles is talking about insider information and the “Intelligence Community”, which I’d like to call by it’s more appropriate term, spelunking. With spelunking, it’s as good as not saying anything at all, as it has equal validation value to David Icke’s claims of reptilians taking over the world and wearing human flesh suits. Just because we can’t prove the reptilians are walking among us wearing human skin suits, doesn’t validate it or deserves being taken in consideration. Spelunking is not based upon facts, it’s an appeal to authority that relies on you just taking their word for it, because they’re you know, important on the internet and self described experts on things!


This is not “sloppy opsec”, as Laurelai claims. Trying to tie in conspiracy theories based upon claimed insider sources with the only supporting evidence is a bunch of hearsay testimonies, and using the same Registration Agent hundreds of people have used, is not evidence of anything. As usual, if patribotics and Laurelai stuck to only “Spelunking Research”, it wouldn’t have been able to be so easily disproved. Trying to be technical with a computer seems to be the weakest point of the patribotics tinfoil propaganda machine.

When PO BOX 3469 is removed from the equation, what we have left is mauh IC sources (voices in Louise’s head) and a few random news articles trying to tie together some kind of mass global sex trafficking conspiracy. This is mediocre level of “research” that doesn’t hold up.

